Tutorials How Computers Work Hardware guide This educational program explains the inner workings of computers. With spectacular and informative graphics, it covers the CPU and motherboard, and how they interact with other hardware. This excellent informative guide appeals to everyone, even novices. * Clear and concise * Well-defined chapters * Easy to navigate (Application by Jacob W. Abrams) Children's-> Volume 228/August '96 Education-> Volume 228/August '96 Latest & Greatest-> Volume 228/August '96 New Member Volume XXI-> Education HTML 101 This file is all you need to get started in HTML programming. It contains information about how to script your Web page using basic HyperText Markup Language (HTML) commands. It also includes five drills to get you going and a sample HTML file that incorporates all of the drills. Desktop Publishing-> Volume 225/May '96 Joyo 96 Kanji 1.2 Japanese writing An excellent tutorial in the basics of Kanji. A must for people doing business with Japanese companies. * Example dictionary * Progressive Kanji study dictionary * Reference to the stroke order rules * Print basic Kana (Application by Rose Corp) Business-> Volume 230/October '96 Education-> Volume 230/October '96 Parallel Circuit Tutorial Shocking The first of two basic electronic documents included on this Volume. This installment is an introduction to parallel circuits. Integrates well with the Series-Parallel Tutorial. * Index topic list * Problem sets with answers * Parallel Circuit Lab included (Document by Lemuel N. Jordan) Education-> Volume 232/December '96 Series-Parallel Tutorial Tutorial More shocking This is a great introduction to series-parallel circuits, including theory and application. This is part of a basic electronics series - Parallel Circuit Tutorial is also included on this Volume. * Extensive examples * Index topic list * Problem sets with answers * Real World Lab included (Document by Lemuel N. Jordan) Education-> Volume 232/December '96